Physical Preparation

Physically Prepare

Conditioning Your Feet For the Trek

Shoe Tips:
Wearing the wrong shoes on the Trek will rub you wrong and that means foot pain and blisters.  Your toes need room to expand, because your feet will swell as you walk on the trek.  Bring only comfy trekking shoes.  Make sure you have a very sturdy shoe with a little thicker sole so you don’t feel every pebble.  Avoid shoes with mesh around the front toe area so no water can get in & also less dirt.

Sock Tips:
Avoid cotton socks!  For long hikes, it is better to have a pair of socks that wick moisture.  Cotton socks absorb moisture and do not allow for evaporation of moisture.  Once cotton socks are wet they lose their shape and elasticity.  This increases friction and rubbing and irritates the skin, contributing to blister formation.  Wicking socks help prevent blisters, ingrown toenails, heel bursitis, bruising and fungal infections.

Since you know that you will be trekking soon, do a couple of walks with your trekking shoes and a light backpack.  If you feel hot spots forming, stop! Go home, rub your feet with rubbing alcohol and let them dry out. This should allow you to form calluses that can protect you on the trek.

§  Walking barefoot whenever you can will help you develop leathery soles that give added protection
§  Rubbing your feet with Benzoin can be done to toughen up the skin on your toes, heels & soles
§  Check your toenails for ingrown or sharp edges – trim them short before going hiking
§  If you have parts of your feet that are known to develop blisters quickly, cover them with moleskin before taking the first step

Physically Prepare Yourself:
To physically prepare yourself for the Trek, here are some general guidelines:

§  Begin by walking 2-3 times a week
§  Build up to 4-5 walks a week:
o   2-3 miles twice or 3 times a week
o   4-5 miles twice a week
§  About 4 times before the actual Trek, walk longer periods of time uphill 

Increase Water Intake:
You will need LOTS of water on the Trek.  Take a bottle of water on those walks, and in general increase your intake of water.  REDUCE the amount of soda and/or sugar drinks you consume as the Trek nears – you will not have canned pop on the Trek.

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